70+ Summer Activities for Teens to Make This the Best Break Ever

Make this summer the epic event it should be with the best things to do inside, outside, and everywhere in between.

Updated June 12, 2023
Stand up paddleboarding family

Summertime can be pretty amazing when you're a teenager. After all, we're talking about a long break from school and from the usual commitments. Summer activities for teens can range from simple things like reading a new book to tinkering with a new invention or trying a new water sport.

Even though a wide-open summer is basically everyone's dream, it's easy to get bored or stuck in a rut when there's not enough for you to do for entertainment. Whether you're a teen yourself or a parent looking for things for your teen to do, we have plenty of ideas here to have fun all summer long.

Indoor Activities for Teens to Do in Summer

Not every summer day is full of sunshine. Rain can ruin plans, and sometimes, it's too hot to do anything outside. Don't just laze the day away. Grab your family or a few friends and try these fun summer activities.

Hit the Bowling Alley

Bowling alleys are a lot more fun than you think. You can just do a standard bowling trip or hit a glow bowl. Bowling alleys also have fun events just for teens.

Go to the Planetarium

Outer space is a mystery. Get lost in the universe at a planetarium. Check the website to see if the one near you has any fun laser shows or concerts during your exploration.

Create a Comic

Rather than just sitting around losing yourself in comic books, create one of your own. All you need is some paper and a little creativity. Along the same lines, you could try out a round of fun high school mad libs.

Make a TikTok or Instagram Reel

Friends making fake mustache with hair while taking selfie at home

Make a fun TikTok that will trend. You might also spend a few days creating an epic film. You never know who might be the next Spielberg.

Get Artsy

There are endless possibilities with a bit of paint and creativity. You could do anything from paint rocks to decorate your yard or paint an incredible mural on your bedroom wall.

Have a Movie Marathon

Call a few friends and have a Marvel marathon. Is rom-com more your style? Then create the perfect playlist. Make sure to grab the snacks.

Rearrange Your Room

Is the Feng Shi in your room lacking? Well, summer is the perfect time to rearrange your bedroom. It should change with you, right?

Have Friends Over to Craft

If you love to create, share that love with your favorite people. Invite your friends over to make a project together. You can pick something specific or just lay out a bunch of supplies and go to town.

Start a Journal

When it comes to things to do in the summer for teenagers, it's hard to beat writing. Starting a journal or poetry book is a phenomenal way to record your thoughts and changing feelings. It's also therapeutic.

Change Up Your Look

Imagine going back to school with a whole new look? Summer is the ideal time to try a new hair color or even revamp your wardrobe with a few good thrifting missions. You'll have time to settle into the new look before you see everyone in the fall.

Make a New Recipe

teenager baking

There is more to life than Hot Pockets and Ramen noodles. Expand your culinary horizons by creating a new dish or trying an exotic food. It might just become a staple in your diet.

Quick Tip

Not sure what you want to learn to make? Think about your favorite foods that people in your life cook and ask them to teach you how.

Plan a Party

Party planning takes a lot of work. Plan the perfect party to chase away your rainy day blues. From the food to the games and the music, the opportunities are endless.

Play a Board Game

Grab an old favorite or get a teen-centered board game like "Would You Rather" or "Cards Against Humanity." These games can keep you entertained all night.

Read a Book

Teachers always give you a summer reading list to keep your brain sharp. Pick one that you might enjoy and start reading. You can also join a summer reading program at your local library.

Break Out That Super Hard Jigsaw Puzzle

You know that puzzle you've been putting off starting because it's so hard? Now is the time. Enlist the help of friends if you don't want to go it alone. This is totally perfect for a gross, rainy day.

Join a Local Theater

Do you have a knack for acting? Check the web for a local theater group in your area. Join the group to learn acting, stage design, producing, and more.

Design a Website

Rather than spending your time surfing the web aimlessly, try your hand at creating a website. This could be a personal website, a website for your club, or a fun family website. Learning to develop the website can help you appreciate the creativity and detail that goes into it.

Go to a Trampoline Park

Teenage boy jumping on trampoline park in sport center

When the weather outside isn't ideal this summer, hit the trampoline park. It's guaranteed to heighten your mood.

Learn a Foreign Language

You can find several online language programs offering free classes. Take a test drive and see if you can spend your summer learning Spanish, French, or Japanese.

Take a Dance Class

Learn a few new hip-hop movies or try ballroom dancing. Many local community centers and YMCAs offer dance classes teens can take during the summer.

Binge Watch Your Favorite Series

Call your friends to come over and plan to spend a rainy day binge watching your favorite series. Not sure what to pick? You can't go wrong with Ted Lasso or a classic like Friends.

Outdoor Fun Summer Activities for Teens to Try

Once summer hits the scene, teens can find many things to do outside to keep themselves entertained. This is especially true once you start driving, but even if you're not driving yet, there's a ton you can do to stay occupied. Beyond getting a summer job, try out these fun outdoor activities for teens.

Take a Hike

The National Forest Service is full of different hiking trails all over. Make a list of all the various hiking trails around you and give them a try. Connecting with nature is a great way to rejuvenate your soul during the summer.

Find Some Amazing Shopping Deals

teens yard saling and flea marketing

Two words: garage sales. Summer is the ultimate time to get crazy awesome deals on stuff you didn't even know you wanted. We're talking cool accessories from the 80s and 90s, random decorations for your room, basically anything.

Quick Tip

Word to the wise: Don't sleep in on garage sale day. Hit the sales early on the day they open to score the best deals.

Go Fishing

You don't need a boat to go fishing. Just grab a rod, a few worms, and find a lake or creek. Fishing is a fun and relaxing pastime, and it's even better if you do it with friends.

Take a Walk or Run

Taking a walk or going for a run are great ways to clear your head and get some exercise. Make it a challenge by doing a couch to 5K or another app challenge on your phone.

Go to the Beach

teens walking on the beach

Can you say beach party? Pack a lunch and make a day of swimming, building sandcastles, and relaxing in the sun. Or just spend an afternoon walking on the beach solo or with friends.

Have a Water Fight

A water fight is an epic good time. Grab water balloons, squirt guns, or even a hose. It's time to get soaked.

Quick Tip

Want to take your water fight to the next level? Set up lawn furniture as barriers you can hide behind and create a laser-tag sort of course for yourself.

Go for a Bike Ride

Riding a bike is great exercise. Grab your bike and hit a local trail. You can also hit the bike path in your town. It's a fun way to get around.

Visit a Splash Pad

Cool off quickly with a visit to a splash pad. You can find these in local parks, and they're typically free. You might hit the skatepark first and cool off in the water afterwards.

Make a Slip and Slide

Do you have an old tarp and some dish soap? Make a fun slip and slide in your backyard and invite all your friends. You might even turn it into a slip and slide game.

Go to a Skatepark

Girl skateboarders giving each other high five at skate park

Skateparks are everywhere. Whether you board or blade, grab them and perfect your new tricks. In addition to outdoor parks, you can find large indoor parks too.

Go Berry Picking

From strawberries to blueberries, summer is the season for ripe fruit and plentiful harvests. Grab a basket and hit a local farm to pick some berries. You can also scavenge berries in the woods. Just make sure to check that they are edible.

Have a Bonfire

Gather around a bonfire with your friends and roast some marshmallows. The flames and the company make it an excellent time for talking and laughing. You might even want to tell some scary campfire stories.

Go Camping

While it might be more fun to go to a local camping site, you can camp in your backyard too. Enjoy your night sleeping under the stars.

Fly a Kite

Teenagers flying kites on a sunny summer day

You can buy a kite online or at a local store, but you can make one too. Fly your kite in your local park for a fun, lazy day activity.

Play Disc Golf

You don't need clubs to play a little disc or frisbee golf. You just need to hit a local park with nets and start a game. You never know who you'll meet.

Have a Picnic

Grab a bunch of your friends and some fun food. Head to a local park, lake, river, or ocean and have a picnic. From relaxing in the sun to playing frisbee, this is bound to be a good time.

Design a Scavenger Hunt

If you are looking for a fun and unique way to enjoy the great outdoors, design a scavenger hunt for your friends. You can get techy with it by using GPS coordinates.

Quick Tip

Not sure what to include in your scavenger hunt? Pick a theme like ice cream and have everyone find super specific toppings, flavors, dishes, and everything else you might need for the ultimate sundae.

Plant a Vegetable or Herb Garden

teen gardening

Keep yourself occupied this summer by getting your hands in the dirt. Plant and tend a vegetable garden or grow some herbs. It's so tasty to eat your own creations.

Cook Camp Food

All you need to create a little camp food is an open flame. Grab the hot dogs, brats, and marshmallows and roast up a delicious time.

Bury a Time Capsule

It can be so interesting to see yourself grow and change. Create a time capsule that you can bury and dig up when you graduate.

Make a Tire Swing

Just hanging out this summer? Get an old tire and some rope to create your own tire swing. Swinging along isn't just for kids.

Educational Teen Activities to Try This Summer

Just because school is out doesn't mean you shouldn't make your activities fun and educational. Depending on your age and your interests, these teen activities could make for a good time.

Visit a College Campus

Are you nearly ready for college? Use your summer to visit a few college campuses you are thinking of attending. You can typically sign up for an open house or overnight stay to get the full experience.

Collect Bugs

Girl looking at butterfly captured in jar

Are you an environmentalist, or do you love biology? Build your bug collection. Grab a jar, nets, and a microscope. Take a trip out into the woods or your backyard and get collecting.

Take Water Samples

Science is fascinating. Learn more about the microbes in your area by taking water samples and checking them under a microscope. You can also have the water in your area professionally tested. Check out the water in other areas too.

Pick Up Trash

Garbage is literally choking the earth. It can be found everywhere. Take some time out of your summer vacation to pick up trash in your community. You might even get a few of your pals involved in a community cleanup.

Volunteer in Your Community

Homeless shelters, senior centers, and hospitals always need a few volunteers. You may also donate your time to a project like Habitat for Humanity. You might find your future passion through volunteering.

Dig for Fossils

Interested in archeology and fossils? These RockSeeker lists sites that are open to the public for digging.

Create an Invention

Do you have an idea to make something easier? Try creating an invention during your summer break. You can even develop a campaign for your creation.

Do a Virtual or Real Tour of a History or Art Museum

Museums are full of inventions, paintings, and history. Exploring their walls can open your eyes to the past and get your own creative juices flowing.

Visit a Historical Monument

You can find historical monuments all over the U.S. Take a road trip to visit monuments close to you, and learn more about your state's history.

Write a Book

teenager sitting on bridge near water writing on a notebook

Follow your imagination or write down your own story to create a book. A summer activity like this can quickly turn into a career.

Quick Tip

If you have friends who like to write and need a little motivation for your summer writing project, set up a challenge where you all check in each week to share your progress. At the end of the summer, you can share your masterpieces too!

Join a STEM Club

If you're a budding engineer or scientist at heart, your summer might be even better with a STEM club. Find one near you and explore the possibilities.

Fun Summer Bucket List Ideas for Teens

Summer vacation offers teens a nice reprieve from school. While you're off, create a summer bucket list of things you want to do. These can be simple things like going to the beach or big adventures like hitting a theme park. Make sure to check it off your list once you do the activity.

Take a Wagon or Buggy Ride

A hayride or horse buggy ride can be a fun experience. Find a local place offering rides and give it a try. Make sure to bring some friends along.

Watch Fireworks

The 4th of July is a great time to watch a fireworks show. You can also see fireworks shows at local fairs. Find out where fireworks will be offered near you and hit up as many displays as you can.

Create Sidewalk Art

Take your chalk on an adventure and create some sidewalk art in a city near you. Make sure to post your pics online.

Bury Friends in the Sand

What's a summer adventure without burying your friends in sand? Hit the local beach and take turns burying each other and taking selfies. Fill your Instagram feed with your fun adventures.

Take a Cooking Class

Do you want to learn how to cook? Join a local cooking class in your area to learn how to make tasty and exotic dishes.

Go Waterskiing

Getting out on the water is on everyone's summer bucket list. Make sure your summer is one to remember by trying waterskiing.

Try Zip-Lining

Teenager walking on ropes hanging on the heights

Looking for a local thrill? Try zip-lining. You can typically find a few adventure parks near you that offer it.

Explore a Cave

Caves can be wondrous places steeped in mystery. Enjoy the natural wonders of the caves Mother Nature has created... as long as you aren't claustrophobic.

Go on a Water Blob

Most people have been to a water park, but what about a water blob? This thrilling adventure is guaranteed to give you an adrenaline rush. Check your local lakes and camps to see if any have a blob for you to try.

Go Geocaching

Take the ultimate adventure by going on the world's largest treasure hunt. All you have to do is download the app and explore.

Do a Color Run

Are you a runner? Find a run to match your colorful personality. Color runs are fun runs where you are covered in beautiful colors. They also feature musical performances and gifts.

Try a Climbing Wall

teen doing a climbing wall

Visit the nearest climbing wall and ascend to greater heights. It's a challenging exercise and fun in one.

Raft Down a River

You might hop in a tube and do a little white water rafting, or you can just try a leisurely leisurely down a river. As long as you're with friends, both are sure to be a good time.

Have a Nerf War

Nerf wars aren't just for kids. Throw a total Nerf war at home or at the local park. Get all geared up and get into it.

Try LARPing

If you are into live-action-role-playing, then find one happening near you. Create your costume and get ready to have the time of your life.

Go to a County Fair

Girls eating cotton candy at the county fair

County fairs have it all, from food to games to rides. They also have different shows that you can check out and unique vendors. Hang out with your friends and enjoy the local fair.

Play Paintball

If a Nerf war wasn't enough to satisfy you, upgrade to a paintball war. Invite a ton of friends and create teams. The last team standing is the winner.

Go to a Theme Park

Find thrills and adventures at a theme park. From roller coasters to water slides, these have all the adventure your heart has been craving.

Go to a Drive-In Movie

Drive-in movies are about as Americana as you can get. See what the experience is like by getting some tickets for your local drive-in. Grab the snacks and sit back and relax.

Quick Tip

Drive-in movies can be hard to find, so if there isn't one near you, make your own! Project movies on a sheet or light-colored wall in your back yard (you might need to borrow a projector if you don't have one handy).

Go to a Concert or Music Festival

Many local parks and pavilions will have free music concerts during the summer. You can also get tickets to a larger event. Sit outside and enjoy the music flowing through you.

Play Golf

Grab your clubs and get on the green. Even if you aren't great at golf, driving around the golf cart is fun. You can also spend the morning at a driving range. Don't forget about mini golf too; it's epic fun to challenge your friends.

Try Go-Kart Racing

Teenage girls on go-cart

Arcades and family fun centers typically offer go-kart racing. With your bestie at hand, hop in and race around the track. You can even race alone with others.

Go to a Local Arcade

Apps are great, but nothing beats a local arcade. Try out the different games and lose yourself in the excitement. Plus, you can win tickets to earn prizes.

Go Kayaking or Paddle Boarding

Do you have a kayak or paddle board? Get out on the water. You can spend the day kayaking or paddle boarding in the ocean, around the lake, or on the river, enjoying the sights and sounds. If you don't have a kayak or paddleboard, check local lakes or rivers for day or hourly rentals.

Take a Road Trip

Grab a map and pile into the car for a road trip. Get lost and explore the world around you. You'll find so many cool things in your state as you explore.

Discover Lots of Exciting Summertime Activities for Teens

The first few days of summer vacation might be filled with sleeping in and catching up with your friends. However, after a few weeks, you can easily get lost in boredom. Keep your break exciting by trying several cool summer activities for teens. You can find just about any adventure to fill your summer - from exciting to low-key.

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70+ Summer Activities for Teens to Make This the Best Break Ever